Home / Car News / Seasonal Driving Advice for New Car Owners


Just bought your first car? Don’t worry–it’s normal for it to be daunting. There are so many considerations and a fairly steep learning curve to car ownership. It’s not even about the driving side of things either, but the ownership of your car and the maintenance you need to perform on your vehicle. One of the most important things to keep in mind when you’re a new car owner is that you should prepare your vehicle for different seasons. To help you out here’s some useful advice for the upcoming year.


Spring is usually a fairly wet season for most parts of the UK. The weather will start to get a little warm which brings out cyclists and pedestrians, so be more careful when you’re driving around busy roads. Make sure you avoid large puddles because water can damage your breaks. Keep those tires inflated and remember to keep some allergy medication in the glove compartment.


Things get hot in the summer, so make sure you carry some spare bottles of water in your vehicle especially if you’re driving long distances. Check your vehicle for overheating and fuel efficiency too and consider wearing a non light-reactive sunglasses so you aren’t blinded while driving.


You’ll need to work on your vision during autumn because the sun is lower during the day. Make sure to keep your car clear of leaves and other rubbish that could fall off trees. Make sure you check your tires and consider purchasing equipment for the winter while you still can.


It’s going to get cold, so make sure you start carrying antifreeze with you to protect your engine throughout this cold season. Make sure you turn off electrical loads like lights and heated rear windows before attempting to turn on your engine. Take a look at the infographic below to learn how you can put together your own winter vehicle survival kit.

Design by Intelligent Car Leasing


About the author: Ahmad Wali


Ahmad Wali is associated with automotive industry from past 4 years. Also the member of the Cars Edition Magazine and critique for latest car reviews. Apart from Automotive industry he is an Entrepreneur running blog network including UK eBest Cars. Say Hello on twitter


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